Kámen Zbraslav
Information Architecture
UX Design
Project for studio
Kámen Zbraslav is one of the biggest producers of crushed aggregate in the Czech Republic. They provide a complex supply of materials for the entire construction. Stone, sand, and concrete. The bulk of their customers are wholesalers, educated in the business and know what they want. The problem arose with small-buyers. Their ordering emails contained unclear and poorly specified requests, so processing them was too complicated. This fact caused a large number of unprocessed orders from small buyers.
Huge amount
of badly specified orders
Only 5 of 100 orders from
small buyers are processed
Increase the amount
of well-specified orders
More processed orders
from small buyers
We added information important for the customer to the site
List and map of establishments
The offer of available materials at the establishments
We shot the materials, in a one-to-one measure. So the customer can compare the dimensions according to the ruler above.
Delivery options
We added clear delivery options where we explain how transport works and what are the options in each region. 3D animation of cars makes it easy for customers to select the right type of car for their purposes.
We included a form for non-binding order for stone, sand, and concrete
The customers can specify their order exactly in a way how Kámen Zbraslav needs it. No more necessity for going through unclear emails.
We created the way of rapid processing of orders
All orders end up in the administration, which makes it easy to classify them and create price offer. Delivery of orders to the construction site is then controlled via dispatching. Via applying of this process we helped the company to make ordering and delivering their products much more effective.